3D scanning the Minerva of Arezzo
Anno: 2001
Autori: Rocchini C., Cignoni P., Montani C., Pingi P., Scopigno R., Fontana R., Greco M., Pampaloni E., Pezzati L., Cygielman M., Giachetti R., Gori G., Miccio M., Pecchioli R.
Affiliazione autori: Istituto Elaborazione dell’Informazione – CNR, Pisa, Italy
Istituto Nazionale di Ottica Applicata, Firenze, Italy
Centro di Restauro Archeologico, Firenze, Italy
Abstract: This paper presents the initial results of the “Minerva Project” obtained by means of two different 3D scanning techniques. The Minerva of Arezzo is a bronze statue (Archaeological Museum in Florence) currently under restoration. The “Minerva project” intends to show how 3D techniques can integrate standard diagnostic methods giving
uscful and powerful tools to the restorers. The main goal of the project is to build complete 3D digital models of the Minerva statue, before, during and after restoration in order to monitor the various phases of the restoration process. The case study is very stimulating, because variations of the shape (removal of plaster, polishing of the corroded bronze surface) and of the colour (removal of the thick paint film on the bronze surface) of the statue are forecasted. In this work we also discuss the experience we get and the problems encountered during the project.
Titolo Convegno: International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting ICHIM 2001
Parole chiavi: 3D survey; laser scanner;