Evidence of superfluidity in a dipolar supersolid from nonclassical rotational inertia

Anno: 2021

Autori: Tanzi L., Maloberti J.G., Biagioni G., Fioretti A., Gabbanini C., Modugno G.

Affiliazione autori: CNR INO, Sede Secondaria Pisa, I-56124 Pisa, Italy; Univ Firenze, LENS, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy; Univ Firenze, Dipartimento Fis & Astron, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy.

Abstract: A key manifestation of superfluidity in liquids and gases is a reduction of the moment of inertia under slow rotations. Nonclassical rotational effects have also been considered in the context of the elusive supersolid phase of matter, in which superfluidity coexists with a lattice structure. Here, we show that the recently discovered supersolid phase in dipolar quantum gases features a reduced moment of inertia. Using a dipolar gas of dysprosium atoms, we studied a peculiar rotational oscillation mode in a harmonic potential, the scissors mode, previously investigated in ordinary superfluids. From the measured moment of inertia, we deduced a superfluid fraction that is different from zero and of order of unity, providing direct evidence of the superfluid nature of the dipolar supersolid.

Giornale/Rivista: SCIENCE

Volume: 371 (6534)      Da Pagina: 1162  A: +

Maggiori informazioni: This work was supported by the EC-H2020 research and innovation program (grant no. 641122 – QUIC).
Parole chiavi: Scissors Mode; Solid He-4; Angular-momentum; Quantum; Vortices; Dynamics
DOI: 10.1126/science.aba4309

Citazioni: 70
dati da “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) aggiornati al: 2025-01-12
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