Observation of Geometric Parametric Instability Induced by the Periodic Spatial Self-Imaging of Multimode Waves

Anno: 2016

Autori: Krupa K., Tonello A., Barthelemy A., Couderc V., Shalaby BM., Bendahmane A., Millot G., Wabnitz S.

Affiliazione autori: Univ Limoges, XLIM, UMR CNRS 7252, 123 Ave A Thomas, F-87060 Limoges, France; Tanta Univ, Fac Sci, Dept Phys, Tanta, Egypt; Univ Bourgogne Franche Comte, ICB, UMR CNRS 6303, 9 Av A Savary, F-21078 Dijon, France; Univ Brescia, Dipartimento Ingn Informaz, Via Branze 38, I-25123 Brescia, Italy; CNR, INO, Via Branze 38, I-25123 Brescia, Italy.

Abstract: Spatiotemporal mode coupling in highly multimode physical systems permits new routes for exploring complex instabilities and forming coherent wave structures. We present here the first experimental demonstration of multiple geometric parametric instability sidebands, generated in the frequency domain through resonant space-time coupling, owing to the natural periodic spatial self-imaging of a multimode quasi-continuous-wave beam in a standard graded-index multimode fiber. The input beam was launched in the fiber by means of an amplified microchip laser emitting sub-ns pulses at 1064 nm. The experimentally observed frequency spacing among sidebands agrees well with analytical predictions and numerical simulations. The first-order peaks are located at the considerably large detuning of 123.5 THz from the pump. These results open the remarkable possibility to convert a near-infrared laser directly into a broad spectral range spanning visible and infrared wavelengths, by means of a single resonant parametric nonlinear effect occurring in the normal dispersion regime. As further evidence of our strong space-time coupling regime, we observed the striking effect that all of the different sideband peaks were carried by a well-defined and stable bell-shaped spatial profile.


Volume: 116 (18)      Da Pagina: 183901-1  A: 183901-5

Maggiori informazioni: K. K, A. T., B. M. S., A. B., and V. C. acknowledge the financial support provided by Bpifrance OSEO (Industrial Strategic Innovation Programme), by Region Lim ousin (C409-SPARC), and ANR Labex SIGMA-LIM. S. W. acknowledges support by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) (2012BFNWZ2). A. B. and G. M. acknowledge support by iXcore research foundation, Photcom Region Bourgogne, and ANR Labex Action. The authors thank L. G. Wright, Z. Liu, F. W. Wise, B. Kibler, and P. Tchofo-Dinda for helpful discussions.
Parole chiavi: Modulational Instability; Faraday Instability; Pulse-propagation; Generation; Dispersion; Fiber; Polarization; Light
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.183901

Citazioni: 217
dati da “WEB OF SCIENCE” (of Thomson Reuters) aggiornati al: 2024-09-15
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