On the Long Range Clustering of Global Seismicity and its Correlation With Solar Activity: A New Perspective for Earthquake Forecasting

Anno: 2020

Autori: Marchitelli V., Troise C., Harabaglia P., Valenzano B., De Natale G.

Affiliazione autori: Univ Basilicata, Scuola Ingn, Potenza, Italy; Puglia Reg Govt, Dept Mobil Urban Qual Publ Works Ecol & Environm, Bari, Italy; Ist Nazl Geofis & Vulcanol, Naples, Italy; CNR INO, Pozzuoli, Italy.

Abstract: Large earthquakes occurring worldwide have long been recognized to be non Poisson distributed, so involving some large scale correlation mechanism, which could be internal or external to the Earth. We have recently demonstrated this observation can be explained by the correlation of global seismicity with solar activity. We inferred such a clear correlation, highly statistically significant, analyzing the ISI-GEM catalog 1996-2016, as compared to the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory satellite data, reporting proton density and proton velocity in the same period. However, some questions could arise that the internal correlation of global seismicity could be mainly due to local earthquake clustering, which is a well-recognized process depending on physical mechanisms of local stress transfer. We then apply, to the ISI-GEM catalog, a simple and appropriate de-clustering procedure, meant to recognize and eliminate local clustering. As a result, we again obtain a non poissonian, internally correlated catalog, which shows the same, high level correlation with the proton density linked to solar activity. We can hence confirm that global seismicity contains a long-range correlation, not linked to local clustering processes, which is clearly linked to solar activity. Once we explain in some details the proposed mechanism for such correlation, we also give insight on how such mechanism could be used, in a near future, to help in earthquake forecasting.


Volume: 8      Da Pagina: 595209-1  A: 595209-8

Maggiori informazioni: We gratefully acknowledge Paolo Plescia and Alexey Lyubushin, who reviewed the paper and greatly helped to improve it. This work has been partially supported by the project OT4CLIMA, funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (D.D. 2261 del 6.9.2018, PON R&I 2014-2020 and FSC).
Parole chiavi: worldwide earthquakes; solar activity; long range correlation; solar and heliospheric observatory satellite; proton density
DOI: 10.3389/feart.2020.595209

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