Kerr and Raman beam cleanup with supercontinuum generation in multimode microstructure fiber

Anno: 2018

Autori: Dupiol R., Krupa K., Tonello A., Fabert M., Modotto D., Wabnitz S., Millot G., Couderc V.

Affiliazione autori: Université de Limoges, XLIM, UMR CNRS 7252, 123 Avenue A. Thomas, Limoges, 87060, France; Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, ICB UMR CNRS 6303, 9 Avenue A. Savary, Dijon, 21078, France; Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell\’Informazione, Università di Brescia and INO-CNR, Via Branze 38, Brescia, 25123, Italy

Abstract: We experimentally study the interplay of Kerr and Raman beam cleanup in multimode air-silica microstructure optical fiber. The interplay of modal four-wave mixing and Raman scattering leads to high-brightness multimode supercontinuum.

Titolo Convegno:

Parole chiavi: Multimode fibers; Optical fibers; Graded-index multimode
DOI: 10000000000