Conservation of resonance frequency in the collisional transitions between spectral lines

Anno: 2002

Autori: Belli S., Buffa G., Tarrini O.

Affiliazione autori: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia, Pisa

Abstract: Collisional transitions between molecular lines give rise to relevant modifications of the spectral distribution of absorption. We discuss here the consistency of such a coupling effect with the conservation of resonance frequency for the scattered lines, a requirement that, in the frame of the usually adopted impact approximation models, should follow from the conservation of energy in the collisions. This problem, leads either to the need for a more appropriate theoretical treatment of collisional coupling or to the existence of a decoupling between well resolved lines which could heavily affect the line shape in the far wings. A check allowing discrimination between these two events could be obtained by measurement of the microwave far wing absorption of deuterated ammonia.

Giornale/Rivista: PHYSICAL REVIEW A

Volume: 65 (4)      Da Pagina: 042711-1  A: 042711-7

Parole chiavi: collisional coupling
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.65.042711

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