Status of PRESS-MAG-O: The experimental apparatus to probe materials and phenomena under extreme conditions at Frascati

Anno: 2010

Autori: Di Gioacchino D., Marcelli A., Cestelli Guidi M., Piccinini M., Puri A., Postorino P., Pace E., De Sio A., Gambicorti L.

Affiliazione autori: INFN-LNF, Via E.Fermi,40-00044 Frascati, Rome, Italy; University ‘La Sapienza\’, Dipartimento di Fisica, P.le A. Moro, 4-00100, Rome, Italy; INFM-CNR-Coherentia, University ‘LaSapienza’, P.le A.Moro, 4-00100 Rome, Italy; INFN, Dept. of Astronomy and Space Science, University of Firenze, L.go E. Fermi 2 50125 Firenze, Italy; INFN, CNR-INOA, National Institute of Applied Optics, L.go E.Fermi, 6-50125 Firenze, Italy

Abstract: In this contribution we up-to-date the status of the PRESS-MAG-O device, a new instrument under commissioning at the INFN designed to perform magnetic and spectroscopic experiments on samples under extreme conditions. The system has been designed to work at SINBAD, the IR synchrotron radiation beamline operational at DA Phi NE. The instrument, that is the result of a significant R&D, will allow performing concurrent high harmonic ac magnetic susceptibility measurements and magnetooptic experiments on a sample under high pressure, with a variable DC magnetic field in a wide temperature range. The vacuum vessel has been designed with four crossing windows to allow optical measurements in the transmission geometry on the sample loaded inside a Diamond Anvil Cell. A new superconducting miniaturized micro-SQUID gradiometer has been also developed to detect the low magnetic signal of the sample and a customized optical system has also been designed to perform IR synchrotron radiation experiments. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Volume: 71 (8)      Da Pagina: 1042  A: 1045

Maggiori informazioni: Materials like ferro-electrics or superconducting systems, magnetic transitions and new condensed matter phases can be investigated with this device that permits concurrent magnetic and optical experiments.
Parole chiavi: High pressure; Infrared spectroscopy; Magnetic properties; Super conductivity;
DOI: 10.1016/j.jpcs.2010.03.003

Citazioni: 2
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