Excitable behavior of an operational amplifier

Anno: 2005

Autori: Kim CM., Yim GS., Ryu JW., Park YJ., Hwang D.H.

Affiliazione autori: Pai Chai Univ, Natl Creat Res Initiat Ctr Controlling Opt Chaos, Taejon 302735, South Korea

Abstract: We find excitable behavior in an operational amplifier (OPA27). When an output terminal is connected to an inverting input terminal through a resistor and a positive input terminal is connected to the ground, the simple electronic circuit exhibits a transition from a steady state to a relaxation oscillation state through quasi-harmonic and excitable pulsation states as the positive and the negative power supply voltages are varied. The observed distribution of the excitable pulsation intervals shows that the pulsations are phase-locked with the internal quasi-harmonic oscillation.

Giornale/Rivista: EPL

Volume: 71 (5)      Da Pagina: 723  A: 729

Parole chiavi: operational amplifier
DOI: 10.1209/epl/i2004-10547-0

Citazioni: 1
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