Parametric and Raman amplification in photonic crystal fiber

Anno: 2005

Autori: Wabnitz S., Millot G., Pitois S., Tonello A., Polyakov E.

Affiliazione autori: Univ. de Bourgogne, UMR CNRS 5027, 9 Av. A. Savary, 21078 Dijon, France; Weapons Sciences Directorate, US Army Aviation and Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL 35802, United States

Abstract: We study the interplay between parametric and Raman gain in photonic crystal fibers by taking into account the vector nature of the electric field, the fiber frequency dependent birefringence, the Kerr nonlinear coefficient, Raman gain and chromatic dispersion. In particular, we show that an accurate representation of the frequency dependence of the dispersion properties of a photonic crystal fiber is essential for correctly describing the overall gain profile for a probe signal at large frequency detuning from a continuous wave pump. For example, we found that fourth order dispersion has a striking influence on the spectrum of modulation polarization instability gain in both the high and low birefringence regime, in that the vector parametric gain is suppressed above a critical level of linear birefringence. We validated the theory by experimental observations of both scalar and vector modulation instability in high birefringence holey fiber with triple defects.

Titolo Convegno:

Parole chiavi: Modulation instability; Nonlinear fiber optics; Optical birefringence; Photonic crystal fibers, Birefringence; Crystals; Optical fibers; Optical Kerr effect; Parameter estimation; Raman scattering, Photons
DOI: 10.1117/12.620669