
I dieci articoli più citati di Bellini Marco

1) Quantum-to-classical transition with single-photon-added coherent states of light in SCIENCE
Di: Zavatta A., Viciani S., Bellini M. Anno: 2004 (Cit.: 589 DOI: 10.1126/science.1103190)

2) Probing quantum commutation rules by addition and subtraction of single photons to/from a light field in SCIENCE
Di: Parigi V., Zavatta A., Kim M., Bellini M. Anno: 2007 (Cit.: 357 DOI: 10.1126/science.1146204)

3) Temporal coherence of ultrashort high-order harmonic pulses in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Di: Bellini M., Lyngå, C., Tozzi, A., Gaarde, M.B., Hänsch, T.W., L’Huillier, A., Wahlström, C.-G. Anno: 1998 (Cit.: 333 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.81.297)

4) Experimental nonclassicality of single-photon-added thermal light states in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
Di: Zavatta A., Parigi V., Bellini M. Anno: 2007 (Cit.: 214 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.75.052106)

5) A high-fidelity noiseless amplifier for quantum light states in NATURE PHOTONICS
Di: Zavatta A., Fiurasek J., Bellini M. Anno: 2011 (Cit.: 196 DOI: 10.1038/nphoton.2010.260)

6) Single-photon excitation of a coherent state: Catching the elementary step of stimulated light emission in PHYSICAL REVIEW A
Di: Zavatta A., Viciani S., Bellini M. Anno: 2005 (Cit.: 174 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.72.023820)

7) Generation of hybrid entanglement of light in NATURE PHOTONICS
Di: Jeong H., Zavatta A., Kang M., Lee S.-W., Costanzo L. C., Grandi S., Ralph T. C., Bellini M. Anno: 2014 (Cit.: 151 DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2014.136)

8) Phase-locked white-light continuum pulses: toward a universal optical frequency-comb synthesizer in OPTICS LETTERS
Di: Bellini M., Hansch T.W. Anno: 2000 (Cit.: 137 DOI: 10.1364/OL.25.001049)

9) Experimental demonstration of the bosonic commutation relation via superpositions of quantum operations on thermal light fields in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Di: Zavatta A., Parigi V., Kim M.S., Jeong H., Bellini M. Anno: 2009 (Cit.: 116 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.140406)

10) Phase-locked high-order harmonic sources in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Di: Zerne R., Altucci C., Bellini M., Gaarde M.B., Hänsch T.W., L’huillier A., Lyngå C., Wahlström C.-G. Anno: 1997 (Cit.: 107 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.79.1006)