Optical and olfactory SENSorial dEvices to investigate PLAnt-microbe iNtEracTions in a model horticultural crop
Finanziamento del: MUR
Calls: PRIN 2022
Data inizio: 2023-08-28 Data fine: 2025-09-28
Budget totale: EUR 251.390,00 Quota INO del budget totale: EUR 120.417,00
Responsabile scientifico: Responsabile scientifico per INO: Baratto Camilla
Calls: PRIN 2022
Data inizio: 2023-08-28 Data fine: 2025-09-28
Budget totale: EUR 251.390,00 Quota INO del budget totale: EUR 120.417,00
Responsabile scientifico: Responsabile scientifico per INO: Baratto Camilla
Principale Organizzazione/Istituzione/Azienda assegnataria: CNR – Istituto Nazionale di Ottica (INO)
altre Organizzazione/Istituzione/Azienda coinvolte:
Università degli Studi di Brescia
altro personale INO coinvolto: Faglia Guido Pietro
Abstract: Precision agriculture is a recent approach in crop and animal production that relies on a set of technologies that monitor variability
and unpredictability in the agricultural systems: key elements of such technologies are a widespread use of sensors, information
systems, enhanced machinery and informed management to optimize the use of limited resources.
Main aims of this project are (i) to apply and optimize Electronic Nose (EN) and Raman Spectroscopy (RS) as complementary classes
of sensors for advancement in precision agriculture in crop production; (ii) to explore the potentiality of EN and RS for specific
plant-microbe interactions in a model plant such as tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
and unpredictability in the agricultural systems: key elements of such technologies are a widespread use of sensors, information
systems, enhanced machinery and informed management to optimize the use of limited resources.
Main aims of this project are (i) to apply and optimize Electronic Nose (EN) and Raman Spectroscopy (RS) as complementary classes
of sensors for advancement in precision agriculture in crop production; (ii) to explore the potentiality of EN and RS for specific
plant-microbe interactions in a model plant such as tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
Risultati scientifici:
1) Tailoring the Surface Properties of ZnO Nanowires by ALD Deposition2) Paper Sensors for Advanced Smart Packaging: Route to Detection on the Shelf and in Real Ambient